3 Powerful Breathing Tips to Make You Feel Energized and Alive!

When it comes to improving our energy and vitality, we often overlook the importance of our breathing.

The Good Men Project
5 min readNov 19, 2022
Photo credit: iStock

By Aditya Jaykumar

When it comes to improving our energy and vitality, we often overlook the importance of our breathing.

Humans can go for about 2 months without food and 3 days without water but try holding your breath for just 2 minutes and you’ll begin to realize how important your breath is.

Our breath is the light that animates us and provides us with life, energy, and vitality.

Beyond just survival, your breathing can also have a tremendous influence on the quality of your life. How you breathe during the day can influence whether you feel stressed and tired or relaxed and energized.

It’s no surprise then that breathwork is one of the quickest-growing modalities according to outlets like the Telegraph, Harpers Bazaar, and the Boston Globe. But with so many different breathwork techniques and modalities, it can get overwhelming to find a practice that works for you.

This article will focus on the basics and discuss three effective breathing tips that can help you feel more energized and alive!



The Good Men Project
The Good Men Project

Written by The Good Men Project

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