Men’s Mental Health: A Silent Epidemic

Despite society’s evolving perspective on mental health, men continue to face unique challenges, often amplified by social constructs of masculinity and stigma.

The Good Men Project
4 min readOct 29, 2023
Photo credit: iStock

By Brian Page

Many times, the discussions around mental health tend to overlook a significant demographic: men. Despite society’s evolving perspective on mental health, men continue to face unique challenges, often amplified by social constructs of masculinity and stigma.

Men are less likely to seek help for mental health problems compared to women. Consequently, they are more susceptible to severe outcomes like suicide, a situation that calls for an urgent shift in our perception and approach.

The ‘Man Up’ Syndrome and its Detrimental Effects

One of the core issues lies in the stereotype of ‘manliness.’ Men are often socialized to suppress emotions, portraying an image of strength and resilience, thus creating the ‘Man Up’ syndrome. This social construct not only discourages men from discussing their mental health issues but also exacerbates them. The constant pressure to conform to societal expectations leaves men feeling isolated, anxious, and depressed.



The Good Men Project

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